Thursday, March 21, 2013

Second Trimester

Thankfully, the first trimester went beautifully. The second trimester was also a breeze.
I was so glad to be able to  eat normally again. I stopped eating Mexican food, which is a top four cuisine in my book. I couldn't handle the smell of fajitas in my hair. To this day, it is still not my favorite.
We had planned to tell our extended family after my cousin Megan's wedding. I didn't want to detract from her big day. Well, that plan went down in flames thanks so some people who don't know when to hush (no, I'm not still bitter...ok, just a little). Our Scottsvegas family knew, but out of town relatives didn't. We called and told them at the end of July. Then, the pregnancy became "Facebook Official." Once we announced it to the world, January 27th couldn't arrive fast enough!!

September 11, I was 20 weeks pregnant. We went to the doctor for another routine monthly check. But this time, it was for THE ultrasound. You know. THAT one. Where we were hoping to find out if the alien growing inside me was a "he" or a "she." I was SO SICK of calling the baby "it" and was ready to start using his/her name. My students had been pestering asking me when we would find out the sex of the baby. This was the day and there were side bets from the band kids. Half said girl, the other half said boy. My sweet special babies all said I was carrying a little girl. Seriously. All of them. Even the non-conversational child with autism looked at my ever-growing stomach and said "Mrs. B has a baby girl." And that was that.

3:00 could not arrive fast enough. Dr. P was so nice to Hubs and myself. He's a family friend and I really enjoy his dry sense of humor. The first thing we saw on the screen was the grainy outline of a little face, and that little mouth was just a-moving! Doc said "Well I guess we know it's a girl. Look at that mouth. Moves just like the mama." Ha, thanks Doc. After a little more moving the wand thing over my stomach, we saw two thighs, and what looked like an equal sign. You know, "=" that thing. (Let's not divulge how long it took me to find that on the keyboard. I'm obviously not a math teacher." Well, that little = meant only one thing.


We were thrilled. But let's be real here. We would have been just as thrilled if there had been a little turtle indicating a boy. We left the Doc and went to tell family. Everyone was excited. Hubs' brother, Coach, said he was happy for us, but "y'all gotta try again, we need a boy." I left Hubs at his office and went to band practice. Telling the band kids was quite possibly my favorite. I got more hugs and laughs from them, and it seemed like they were more excited than anyone else. It was precious.

That's basically the highlight of Trimester 2. I'll get on number 3 next.

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