Sunday, January 23, 2011

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Newlywed Living

We have been married for a month! I can't believe it. I haven't written in so long, and so much has happened since then. Quick rundown:

We ate lunch with my parents and enjoyed spending the day with them. Of course we had the extremely traditional pot roast with carrots and potatoes, sweet potato casserole, turnip greens, and rolls. After we ate, we crashed on the couch and watched the Westminster Dog Show, during which we all fell asleep. Once we woke up and were able to walk after eating so much, we went to Brent's family gathering. I love spending time with his family because it is such a contrast to mine. My family holidays consist of me, Mom, and Dad (and now Brent). His family holidays include EVERYONE. His mom has two sisters, they and their husbands each have two kids (watch this): Cindy has Brent and Drew, Wendy has Matt and Megan, Sissy has Jeannie and Sarah. Now add in 7 spouses (for the sisters and their kids combined, myself included) plus one fiance. Now add in 5 grandkids. Pencils down kids. If your total is 21 people, you are correct! If not, go back and try again. Going from a gathering of 4, to a herding of 21 is quite a jump, and we do it every holiday. I love it.

Before panties get wadded, I will note that my dad's extended family is just about the same size, but we don't get together as much. I love them very dearly, and wish we got more time together.

my school won. Brent was not happy. We didn't watch the game at all... we went furniture shopping instead and picked out leather furniture for our living room. We got a massive sofa and love seat that we just love.
Oh, I totally celebrated the outcome of the game after Brent dropped me off at my parents' house.

I honestly barely remember anything. The rehearsal was a lot of fun actually. I had nine beautiful bridesmaids and Brent had ten handsome groomsmen. 
Originally, the guys were going to be at one house, and the girls at another. We ALL wound up at Brent's, and had a wonderful time laughing, sharing stories, cracking jokes, and relaxing before the big day.
The actual wedding day is a massive blur to me. I remember getting up and showering, waking up my sweet cousin Bethany so she could get ready, running errands (before 8 a.m. mind you), and making it back in time to help B get her hair the way she wanted it. My wonderful Maid of Honor (Steph I love you) was my rock the whole day. If I needed anything, she took care of it. We ate breakfast at Cindy's boss' house, and I had to dine and dash to get my hair done. I did that, and made it to the church just in time to get my makeup done and then it was picture time. 
Here are some favorites(more are available at
Yep, married that guy.

Most of my lovely ladies, and we did this in heels!

Some of the boys... and they are HILARIOUS!

This was at the very beginning of the ceremony...

With this ring...
Over 400 people we are the ceremony, and just about everyone came to the reception. I felt so very blessed and humbled by the out-pouring of love of friends and family.

Dad and I danced to "I Loved Her First" by Heartland. Then it overlapped into "Born to Boogie" by Hank Jr...cause that's how we roll. 
People got out on the dancefloor with us during BtB, and stayed there for so long!

Right before we left, my mom and a few other women handed out Auburn and Alabama shakers. We left the reception to the theme song from Sports Center, after leading the crowd in a loud Bodda Getta from me and a RTR from Brent.

We went to Ocho Rios, Jamaica for 5 nights. It was absolutely wonderful! I will hopefully post pictures from that this week. We met some wonderful people and came home with great memories and no sunburns!!

My birthday:
We came back from the honeymoon on my birthday. When we got home, gifts were under our tree and our house was ready to be lived in. Brent gave me perfume for my birthday, and then we crashed.

We woke up to SNOW on the ground!! Our first White Christmas EVER. We opened presents and then headed to Cindy's for Christmas there. I loved spending Christmas morning with my new family. We watched my nieces open their gifts and it was so fun watching two toddlers swim through wrapping paper and get so excited over each present. Then, we went outside:
Drew, Amber, Addisyn, Annslie, Aunt Anna, and Uncle BB
A huge snowball fight started right after this photo.
After we dried off from the snowball fight, we went to my parent's house for fried turkey and more presents. We also got my dog, Spud and took him home. Once we were there, we crashed, again. We were just so tired!

New Years:
Went to sleep by ten. Yeah, we're old.

Brent's birthday:
I had a workday at school, but came home and gave him a sweatshirt and a homecooked meal (meatloaf and fresh -not canned- greenbeans).

This week:
We were snowed in ALL WEEK. As a result, my house is very clean, laundry is done, and we painted our bedroom! Pictures will come later because now, it's time to carry on with our work routine as usual.