Monday, November 21, 2011

AU Homecoming aka: The Day of A Thousand Questions

As you may recall, I spent a glorious five years at Auburn University (I came out with a degree, so the extra year was my Victory Lap). Two and a half of those years, I lived at worked for the Athletic Department (under the Office of Student Recruiting) as a Tigerette. Joining Tigerettes and Tiger Hosts was definitely one of the best decisions I made in college. I met some wonderful people and got to know many of them very well. I made memories and friendships that will last my whole life. 

I knew about two months before the game that Dad was going to bring my sweet cousin, Grant, with him and that it was his very first Auburn football game. Well, this is one big cousin that just had to make sure Grant got the royal treatment to his first game. So, because of those great connections, I was able to snag a few passes into Jordan-Hare Stadium the morning of Auburn's Homecoming football game. 

If we look sleepy, that would be because it was 7:30 AM.

So first, we walk into the stadium at Gate 10, and look around the reception area. Not too much to report there, so I took Grant to the very special, hidden room inside Jordan-Hare Stadium: The Heisman Room. Auburn has three Heisman Trophy winners: Pat Sullivan, Bo Jackson, and Cam Newton. We have a room in the stadium dedicated to these great athletes. Grant was impressed.

With Uncle Kenneth and the Pat Sullivan jersey.

 I love the Heisman room. Orange, overstuffed Italian leather couches, persian Tiger-patterned rug, and a flat screen TV... Hello? Can we say HEAVENLY?? Well, Grant was ready to move on to the next attraction. To the Locker Room!

Walking in...

 I can't fully explain the "Wow Moment" Grant had when he first walked in the locker room. I hadn't been in it in a year, and it felt so good to go back. But I just loved being able to tell him about how everything is laid out, why velvet ropes are in place around the interlocking AU, and other various trivia. He asked about a zillion questions, and he got to meet a bunch of current Tigerettes, who all think he is just precious. They're right.

"Where's Mike Dyer's locker? Are they really going to wear everything hanging up?"

Me and Grant in front of Clint Moseley's locker. He was my recruit!!
(Yes, he is every bit as nice as you think.)

Grant and Dad in front of Philip Lutzenkirchen's locker. Dad calls him Philip "Lunch-in-the-Kitchen," which, Grant agrees, is easier to say.

Leaving the locker room the way the players do.

Bam! On the field, ready to ask more questions explore!

Taking a tour of the sidelines with Uncle Kenneth

Here, he's standing on the sidelines where the players stand. He wasn't too sure about walking on it at first, but I reassured him that it was just fine. I think this was when he was asking what was in the containers with Gatorade logos on them... 

One of the athletic trainers, my friend Jenna, explaining to Grant what her job is and why it's important.
(Thanks girl!!)

I can't begin to tell you how much my dad loved having this time with Grant. It was really sweet watching them walking around together.

Now, Grant wanted to see the Locker Room again... so back we went!

Looking around...

The Cam Newton Trophy Case

"Hey, that jersey is just like mine!"

Coach Chizik's locker!!

The OFFICIAL Trooper Towel

Wasn't too sure about holding it, but I told him Trooper wouldn't mind.

In the media room for his Pre-Game conference.

Dad's pre-game conference. A reporter asked him a tough question.

But we're Number One, Baby!!

On the way out of the locker room. This one makes me smile.

But before we left, I just HAD to take his picture with The Crystal Ball!

We had leave Tiger's Den so that they could open the gates to the visiting recruits. If you know my family, the next move is obvious.


Grant and I got hot chocolate, and he kept saying "This is best hot chocolate EVER!" I turned and said, "Of course. It's Auburn Hot Chocolate." He agreed, and the man waiting on his coffee laughed. I have no idea why. From there, it was time to go shopping! Grant had money to spend, and dang it, he was determined to leave it all in Auburn.
Off to the AU Bookstore in Haley Center.

Very, VERY carefully making his hat selection. This took 20 minutes. I went to the youth section and picked up two hat options. I was glad he picked my favorite. 

Dad and I agree that no kid's first trip to Auburn is complete without a jersey. It had to be white, and it HAD to be number five: Michael Dyer. Doesn't he look good? He also is sporting an Auburn arm band, a gameday button that says "Take a Hike, Spike," his new hat, and his nametag from our visit to the Tiger's Den.

Brotherly love. My favorite part about this picture is the Starbucks cup still in his had. We are SO related.

I had to get in a picture with these two precious boys.

This is so typical. To say it best, "Mac and Grant standing there, Grace is like, WTF? and Mags is like, OOOOhhh! In ya face," to quote April. 

At this point, my pictures with sweet babies stops as Brent and I had to walk back to the car for our tickets and a tailgate stop.

Inside Jordan-Hare Stadium!! Ready for gametime!

Moments before kickoff...

He's forcing himself to smile and act happy.

Such a sweet surprise! Kinsley and her mom and dad were sitting a few rows down from us. I loved getting to love on this sweet girl!

Well, the game ended and we fought the crowd at Toomer's Corner. After about 30 minutes, we decided it was time to walk back to the car. We got back to the stadium, and Brent said "Why is there a crowd outside Tiger's Den?" I explained to him that the players leave the stadium from that gate, and there were probably some still signing autographs. I spotted a familiar face, and had to steal a hug.
(Yes I skipped the entire line/crowd)

So proud of you, Clint!!!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Gameday with Grant

Just a little teaser before I can get home, but today I got to show off my cousin Grant at my alma mater.

I think he likes it.

Friday, November 11, 2011

November update

In a week, so much has happened! 

First off, we went to the Alabama/LSU game last weekend. Brent and I had a great time, before the game ended. But really, we had fun!! We went to the game with another couple from Scottsboro that is the inverse of Brent and myself. Betsy is a Alabama Alum, and Alex is an Auburn Alum (plus he was a Tiger Host, the male version of a Tigerette, which I was). Alex and I struggled to be in Tuscaloosa and it was almost hard to wear red, but I love my husband and I really hate don't like LSU, so I grinned and bore it. 

Now that the whole world knows the outcome, I can post the pictures. Before I show you the following photos, I need to answer a few questions.

NO, I am not a converted Alabama fan.
NO, I am not homophobic.
YES, I am a fatty. :)

 Yes, I love my husband very much.

This was really too funny. I really have a large amount of hate disdain for LSU, their coach, and the majority of their fans. I actually hate dislike them and UGA more than I despise dislike Bama. 
Go figure.

Ok, Bama people do things differently. At Auburn, you tailgate with your friends and that's where you eat, or you go downtown and get your food there. However, on the Quad, they have food vendors everywhere you turn. My friend Betsy and I spotted a huge sign that said "Deep Fried Heart Attack Waiting to Happen" "Fried Oreos, Fried Twinkies," so of course we had to go. 

I see no point in elaborating on the game, because we all know how it ended. I will say that it was a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG ride back to Birmingham with Alex and Betsy. 
But Brent was one little pissy-pants.

Fast forward through a four-day work week...

Wednesday afternoon I was talking to my sister-in-law about how Brent and I are off for Veterans Day and how we would love to spend some time with Annslie and Addisyn. Here's how it turned out:

"Let's build a camp, BB!" Of course Brent was happy to oblige.

"Read-a me a 'tory BB. Now read it again." 
Addisyn is more concerned with her mini-pack of fries from McDonald's, cause that's how Aunt Anna cooks on weeknights.
Who came up with the idea of a friggin mini-pack? Childhood obesity is not going to be ended with a little pack of fries and apple slices.

"Read it again, BB. Now again. Now again."
The poor guy is going to say the Three Bears and Three Little Piggies and Cinderella and Snow White in his sleep! He loved every second of it.

What better way to start the day than your Aunt Anna making you Mickey Mouse pancakes? I put this picture here to show that I did not use a cookie cutter. My dad used to make these for me when I was a little girl, and I am SO glad I watched him do it! 

The Finished Product. Yes, they were demolished. Mighty tasty, too!

Right now, two little girls are sound asleep. It won't last much longer. In the meantime, be sure to thank a Veteran today. I am so proud to say both of my grandfathers proudly served their country, and both have definitely made me thankful and proud to be an American. To my Papa and my Pop (especially today),


Thursday, November 3, 2011

You know the job it hard when...

You know being a teacher is hard when the Alabama Education Association's New Member packet contains a koozie.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Hey look! A new post and not even a month has passed!!!

I'm writing from my phone, so this will be short and sweet. Last night was Halloween, and since it was never a big deal with my family, I was excited to see the way Brent's family handles it.

Not too differently, come to find out. All the babies got dressed up in their precious costumes and we all met at Aunt Wendy's house to give out candy and take pictures. It isn't a family gathering without pictures!!

Learned something new today. It is not a great idea to break in 5 inch wedges on a day when my aid is out sick. My feet are killing me. But my shoes are precious.

Oh, before I forget, Brent and I will e going to Tuscaloosa this weekend for the Bama vs LSU game. Stay tuned.