Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Rant, and I love my job.

You are about to read a rant.
Thoughts expressed in the following words may not be suitable for all audiences.
Reader discretion is advised.

I would like to say that my feelings have REALLY been hurt lately. I don't mean just a little bit, but a LOT. I was once a very sensitive person, but was made to have thicker skin in college (thank you, K. Brumbeloe for constantly holding my feet to the fire). That being said, it now takes a lot before my feelings get really hurt. Well, it's built up enough and I've hit the boiling point. Before I go through the roof, I would like to say a few words:
I will not tolerate being ignored.
I refuse to be made to feel unvalued.
I will not allow anyone to make me feel inferior.
and finally, I will write off anyone who makes an attempt at any of the previously mentioned behaviors.

In case you can't tell, I'm quite pissed. However, my personality will not allow me to be confrontational...yet. That day is coming, and the merde will hit the ventilator.

Moving on and exhaling now...

Married life is great! Brent and I are adjusting to life as a couple fairly well. There have been some what-the-he**-are-you-doing moments, and oh-my-gosh-what-did-you-eat-to-make-THAT-smell moments too, but I guess that just comes with the territory.
I love him with my whole heart though. How could I not?

Now, let's talk about my job and why I love it.
No, not because of the pay (teacher salary is pretty sad, and only getting worse).
No, it's not because of the paperwork (there needs to be a musical called "Springtime for Special Ed").
It's because I love my students, and I love where I work.

Being a first year teacher is pretty tough. Feel sick ALL the time, learning new names and new faces EVERY day, and have you ever had morning duty on an elementary hallway? If I had a nickel for every time I have said, "You need to walk," or "Slow down" or "FOR THE THIRD DAY THIS WEEK, QUIT RUNNING," I swear I could have paid off my house, my student loans, and Brent's law school loans.

Now for the happy part. I've been at NSM long enough for the kids to know that yes, even though I look sixteen, I am a teacher and I have authority. That being said, there are also a lot of little ones that stop in the mornings to say hi and get a hug to start the day. One sweet girl in particular, we will call her Callie.
At the beginning of the month, we had a day that we spent in the hallway under tornado warnings. Really, there were two hours spent in the hall, books over kids heads, teachers going around making sure everyone held their position. Well, Callie is in 1st grade and was absolutely terrified. She hates storms, and I do too, but had to be the adult in the situation. So as soon as we got in the hall with their books over their heads, Callie started sobbing. I don't mean little tears. I mean that kind that will make a kid start dry-heaving. Baby girl was SCARED. Me being the nerves-of-steel person that I am, I went over and sat down by her and started talking to her about anything and everything I could think of. She sat up and I saw that tears were running down her little face onto her Justin Bieber t-shirt. I told her she had to stop right then because she might smear Justin's face. Then she said he was her favorite EVER. *lightbulb* I told her to put her book over her head, and when she bent back down against the wall to just sing every JB song she could think of. I got her started by bouncing around with my arm around her shoulders singing "Baby" in my squeakiest voice possible. She laughed, and sang every song she knew, twice.
Since then, Callie has stopped by to get a "Mrs. Benson Bear Hug" every morning. Of course I don't mind.