Wednesday, May 9, 2012

I swear I'm alive.

I'm just not the best at this blog thing. I mean, I have several that I read every day. I am just terrible at writing what happens in my own life. Granted, that's really not much. I've got a husband, two dogs, and a house to deal with. Not a whole bunch of excitement there. My days consist of work (11 days left!), coming home to watch two hours of "Friends" straighten the house a little, before trying to figure out what's for supper. Then eat supper, go to sleep, rinse and repeat.

Anyway, occasionally things happen and we do stuff outside our house. More on that soon (swear!). Let's do a quick run-through of the Benson updates: Spring Break in NOLA, Danceline tryouts,  Hank Williams Junior concert, Easter, new truck, social events, visit from Pensacola fam, and this weekend we have family coming up from LA--Lower Alabama.

Spring Break in NOLA: well, that's a blog post that requires it's own space.

Danceline tryouts:
Yeah, I'm the new danceline sponsor at my former high school. A full week of after school clinic culminated in one very emotional day of tryouts. I am so proud of every girl that tried out! If you have never tried out for something like this, I gotta tell ya, it takes serious guts. I am really looking forward to next year with these girls. They are all just precious!

Junior concert:
The day before Easter. This was not the most thought-through thing Brent and I have ever done. That Friday, we went to Huntsville for my best friend's birthday party. She was the maid of honor in my wedding, and moved to Louisiana roughly 8 months ago. I was so freaking excited to see her!! We had fun chatting and, truth be told, she was meeting her boyfriend's close friends for the first time and wanted me there to scope out her new man help her play hostess. 
Best friends forever! Because we know too much...
Now, on to the concert. 
We left home in time to make it to Tuscaloosa for lunch. See my previous post to see where we ate. It was heavenly. I gotta say, I love going to Tuscaloosa. Yes, this Auburn girl actually loves T-town. It's because I lived there when I was little, so everything there is perfect. We spent time walking around the UA campus, because I like walking after a HUGE meal of ribs and loaf bread, and also because Brent likes to tell me about his time at UA. Yes, I married a Bama grad.
High-five for the garden gnome Nick Saban

On the Quad, with Denny Chimes in the background.

Funny story about Denny Chimes... my parents took me there when we were trying to sell our house in Tuscaloosa to move to Scottsboro (the first time). I loved it! All that room to run, practice my dance moves, skip, play... it was fabulous.

Well then it became time to head over to the amphitheater. Had to get a seat in time to watch Junior!

FLASHBACK:     One of our first "dates," before Brent got over our age difference and I began seriously dating was to a Hank Williams Jr. show at Riverbend in Chattanooga. I had just wrapped up my freshman year at Auburn and was having dinner with two friends. He called and said "Hey, do you like Hank Jr?" I said, "Um, I'm Southern. Duh." I was also hyperventilating because he called (I'd had a crush on him since I was 16). He says, "Well I have an extra ticket to Riverbend tomorrow night and he's playing. Wanna go with me?" I said, "Yeah, I'll be home tomorrow so I'll call you when I hit Scottsboro. Talk to you then." Aaaaand then I almost fell out of the booth. I went home the next day, and that evening Brent's parents picked me up and drove me halfway to Chattanooga, where we met up with Brent and I hopped in his car. After that concert he drove me back to Scottsboro. Our next real date wasn't until almost three years later.

The concert was fantastic!! Junior does not disappoint. Even though there were a few too many "RTR's" for my taste, he put on a great show. He played all my favorites, and of course had something to say about his political stance. 

Oh, did I mention we had AWESOME seats?

The next day, we dragged ourselves out of bed and went to Sunday School and church. Brent and I absolutely love our Sunday School class. It was HUGE that day (55 people!), but it is all young married couples. Most couples have young kids, but several don't have children at all. The service was wonderful. Two of Cindy's friends joined the church, and they will be baptized together this week! God is SO. GOOD. After church, we went to Cindy's for our usual Easter meal and screaming child chasing photo shoot.

At this point, a little one was screaming for Anna to hold her.

The Opposite Brothers and their Twin Wives.

The Bensons

After 13 months of endless searching, bargaining, and test drives Brent sold his BMW and bought a truck. He loves it, and I gotta say, I do too. And now, presenting the newest addition to our driveway:

Brent named him Gus. 
Pensacola fam:
Last week, Brent and I got to spend some time with my grandfather's brother, my Uncle Pete! It was so great to see him and Aunt Janet. They are the sweet, precious relatives who we just don't get to see nearly enough. Brent and I are going to plan a trip to see them very, very soon.

Stay tuned for the updates from the family coming to visit this weekend. My aunts and uncles, plus my grandmother. It's going to get LOUD. Coffee is going to be consumed en masse. Stories are going to be told. Gossip is going to be shared. Eyes are going to be rolled. Laughter is going to ensue.

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