Monday, October 10, 2011

Yes, I suck at blogging

I am sooo writing this on my lunch break at work.

Yes, I do not do well with this whole "blog" thing. Ok ok, my last post was seven-ISH months ago. It's been a busy year!!

Anyway, while I'm writing, might as well include the fact that I have a new job! I am running a dropout prevention program for at-risk students... and I LOVE every minute of it. My kiddos are fabulous, and keep me entertained on a daily basis. They also have the unique ability to keep me grounded and have shown me just how blessed I am to have grown up with such wonderful parents.

Life has had its ups and downs lately, and this past week seems to have had more downs than anything. But that's another post for when I need to get things off my chest.

For now, just a quick update.

Brent and I just got back from a weekend trip to Atlanta. In true O'Hara fashion, when things get rough, I go to Atlanta for a change of scenery. After lots of shopping, walking, and a trip to the Sun Dial Cocktail Lounge, we came home to a HUGE dinner at his mom's house. I am still stuffed. My closet must have shrunk the pants I am wearing today... this doesn't just happen to me, right? RIGHT?!

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